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Scott Carr, Jr. is a lifelong Christian, passionate about theological study, biblical interpretation, church history and ecumenical dialogue for the purpose of helping people know the love of Jesus better. He is currently an Aspirant for Holy Orders in the Episcopal Diocese of New Jersey and teaches Middle School Bible at Atlantic Christian School. He serves his current parish, Christ Church Woodbury, as a Bible study leader, acolyte, and youth group-co-leader. He studied Music Composition at Eastern University and earned his Master of Divinity from Calvin Theological Seminary. He is a voracious reader and has a background in various denominations, setting him on a journey through a broad width of the Christian tradition.

 He has served on staff at Fairfield Presbyterian Church, Liberti Church Center City and Main Line, and Bridgeton Christian School.  His writing has appeared in The Anglican DigestCalvin Theologian Journal, Carpenter Theologian, and Seasonal Journal.

For more information on Scott, download his CV.

Matthew 18:3 “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven."


Does Jesus really love me?  Is God really on my side?  How can I trust the Church?  Is there really anything to this Christian faith thing?  If you asked any of the previous questions, if you are disillusioned with Christian faith, if you are in a period of deconstruction, if you wonder if there is anything more to Christian spirituality, then Reimagine Faith is for you!  This blog is written for those who want to dive deep into the Christian tradition and bask in the waters of Christ's love which have sustained God's saints for millennia.  We look at Scripture, Church History, Spiritual Disciplines, and the teachings of the Christian tradition in order to cultivate a faithful imagination, open to a life with God.  Come with us and join the journey!



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