Great God in heaven, we come to you thankful that you have come to us. You have become one of us, taking on a human nature, and have dwelt among us. The humility of your Son amazes us and we stand in silent awe before you. You have taken on flesh, and in that flesh you have born the weight of our sin. You have given us your Spirit to renew us, and bring us into new life. We are being conformed to the image of your Son who loved us and gave His life for us. Because of His work on our behalf, because of His coming to tabernacle with us, we can come before you to worship this morning, and for that, we are eternally grateful. In our worship, open our eyes. Help us to see more of what Christ has done on our behalf. As we better understand what you have done, what our salvation has entailed, increase our joy and our love for you. Give us, this morning, the same humility that is found in you as we recognize our salvation is not our own doing, but is authored and perfected by you. In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, Amen.