Review: Church In Crisis by Oliver O'Donovan
Nearly 15 years ago, noted Anglican ethicist and Oxford professor Oliver O’Donovan applied his insight to the crisis in his own Anglican...
Review: Church In Crisis by Oliver O'Donovan
Part 1: Genesis 1:26-28: Making a Marriage
Augustine 2020: The Earthly City, Domain of Death
Augustine 2020: Evil and the Good Creation
Are Humans "Thinking Things"?
Faith Seeking Understanding: Does God Exist?
Commencement Sermon: Life With God
The Christian Tradition of Sexual Fidelity
Genesis, Jubilees, and Creation
Natural Law and the Human Telos
Why Care for Creation?
Review: Origins by Deborah B. Haarsma and Loren D. Haarsma
Review: The Language of God by Francis S. Collins
Exegesis of John 1:1-5. 14
Iranaeus On the Unity of Creation and Redemption